Hey, it’s Heather.

Resumé   |   LinkedIn
Client ········· The Stony Brook School
Collage Artist ........ Heather Hale
Web Designer ········· Heather Hale
Creative Director ······ José Reyes

Agency······ Metaleap Creative

The Stony Brook School Website

In the process of evaluating The Stony Brook School website, we asked a few guiding questions:

What is the main function of the site?

Who is the site speaking to?

What journey do we want the user to go on?

What action do we want to the user to take?

In talking with the leaders of the School, we heard: “We’re not like other Prep Schools. We offer something different.”

The School’s motto for the last 100 years has been “Character Before Career” and that served as the main point of inspiration for the new website.

2021 — Atlanta, Georgia